Sunday, 31 July 2011

Canyon Road

No one visits Santa Fe without visiting Canyon Road. The dozens of galleries, art gardens and the few food establishments must be enjoyed as a pedestrian. This road has a gentle slope to it and the surface is a bit uneven which slows you down and this is an advantage. However, if you take your time and explore the alleys, the lanes running off of Canyon Rd., and obviously the road itself, you will find wonderful examples of folk and fine art, sculpture and art glass. The folks that run these establishments are well informed, friendly and wonderfully laid back. As photographers, the challenge is to see all of this wealth of visual input and create an image unlike the thousands of other pictures taken of the same subjects.

Kelley Moore "Raw Art"


  1. One of my favorite roads on Planet Earth. A truly amazing place. Your photos do it justice. Beautiful.

  2. Thank you Sharon,

    I agree completely, this is an amazing place!

  3. You both did great. Russ, love the, er, gladiolus! Elena, the bench/wall/shutters/window combination is clean and serene. Lovely photos. Kudos! --Carol Leigh
